African Mahogany includes several kinds of timber like Acajou, Gran bassam, Khaya, Sipo, Sapele, N’gollon, Lagos.
Khaya genus is called Mahogany as recommended in commercial language, whereas Entandrophragma genus is called by more names (among these the most important are Sipo and Sapele).
The homogeneity in this group is so great that sometimes microscopic or macroscopic examination do not make it possible to distinguish between the various kinds of Khaya and Entandrophragma, therefore creating significant confusion in the trading off these woods.
All these timbers are resistant and hardwearing and can be processed without difficulty. They are commonly used in naval construction for keels, planking, gunwales and planking for companions.
In civil engineering it is used for interior furnishings and flooring.
Mahogany Acajou
Khaya ivorensis-Family Meliaceae (Other species: K. Grandifolia, K. anthoteca, K. senegalensis e K. Nyasica)
Mahogany Acajou origin area
Forests in West Equatorial Africa.
Mahogany Acajou technical file
Density | 620 KG/M3 |
Shrinkage | Medium low |
Hardness | Medium |
Flexion Resistance | 1160 KP/CM2 |
Compression Resistance | 580 KP/CM2 |
Colour | Brown red |
Mahogany Sipo
Entandrophragma utile – Family Meliaceae
Mahogany Sipo
Forests and savannahs in West Equatorial Africa.
Mahogany Sipo technical file
Density | 690 KG/M3 |
Shrinkage | Medium |
Hardness | Medium |
Flexion Resistance | 1470 KP/CM2 |
Compression Resistance | 620 KP/CM2 |
Colour | Brown red |
Mahogany Working
- Lavorazione Mogano
- Lavorazione del Mogano
- Lastronatura Mogano